Friday, October 16, 2009

"Love Bags".... More than you can Imagine

Last Tuesday I went to an Outreach opportunity that CRPC is a part of. It's called "Love Bags"! Love Bags is headed up by Ryan Alexander from another local church. More than 50 people showed up from the surrounding area's churches, including CRPC, with bags in hand. CRPC also helps to provide the food. The Goal of this outreach is simple.... To build personal relationships! Though not first with one another, but with the homeless. Although it is an opportunity to feed the homeless and build unity amongst the group, it is first an idea centered around investment. A personal investment in another, yet the idea continues to grow. The focus.... the bag you bring filled with the things that helps to meet their specific needs, hence the name "Love Bags". The most interesting and personal thing is not so much the items in the bag, but the personalized message you write on the bag to that person your trying to get to know. This is the best part. The "Love" part. Now this person is not just homeless, but a friend! Someone you care about and invest in. Someone you provide for. Someone you love, as we have been loved by Christ! Is this not the hope and desire for our own church community? I left thinking about that verse in James, verse 2:15, "If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, "Go in peace, be warmed and filled," without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that?" Now I'm pretty positive that describes me, who I am, what I might do, but it is definitely Not who I hope to be!

For our good and His Glory,
Brent W.

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