Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Outreach Workshop Highlights by: Robin Revier

"So Pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields." Mt. 9:38
On July 23rd, the Outreach Department hosted a workshop that concentrated on establishing bonds of fellowship and purpose as a united team. The outreach vision was more clearly defined from 'feet to faith' to 'equipping the church.'
Various roles were determined for different teams, and strategic plans were put into place to strengthen outreach efforts and to effectively communicate with each other, and with the congregation at large.
Following a prayer for wisdom, compassion and grace, sincere fellowship was enjoyed along with great food and conversation that centered around the focus of ministry.
Duane Mellor did a terrific job of facilitating this event, as he provided an open forum for all to speak their concerns and share as well, the victories they have witnessed as they continue to reach out to a lost world.
Local, National, and International team strategy development was addressed as well as individual needs for various teams. Also discussed were some new ways to approach ministry and ways to establish future steps and a call to action for each team.
As I sat and listened to the stories of these magnificent servants, I was deeply moved by their individual passion for the various needs that exist locally and globally; it was so obvious that God had hand picked each one for a specific ministry.
I realized too that there was no turning back for these men and women, like seasoned surfers paddling out to sea with no reservations or fear of losing a leg, they were going to catch the 'wave' they came for, defined in this case as 'the work God has called them to do.'
These are great men and women of God and I am honored to write on their behalf and on behalf of the Outreach Department. May God richly bless you as you richly bless!

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